Connect Four Simulator
Utilized jQuery to simplify interaction with DOM, and used javascript algorithm to manipulate an array of potential computer moves, making the computer competitive and preventing it from being predictable.
Energetic software development student, with a mechanical engineering background and several years of problem solving experience. Switching to focusing solely on software has re-ignited my passion to design and develop new projects, and keeps me excited to learn new technologies every day. I know my project management background and quick-learning ability will allow me to succeed from day one.
Utilized jQuery to simplify interaction with DOM, and used javascript algorithm to manipulate an array of potential computer moves, making the computer competitive and preventing it from being predictable.
Built website that contains movie data for all streaming services (Netflix, Hulu, etc.), and allows user's to search movie availability, and create groups with friends. Multiple API's were used to grab each movie's info and trailers. React was used to design front-end of site, and JSON server was used as mock database..
Created interactive trivia game using javascript and jquery. Imported NFL player and team data to run random trivia questions to user.
Used Javascript and JQuery to create interactive bookshelf website. Allows user to add books to shelf, leave reviews. Still a work in progress.